Project 1: Space Shooter
How to build and test your Unity game
Example in Windows
Now has finally come the time when my game has enough functionality to test it out. To do this I first have to build it.
Building a game in Unity is simple. Start by checking that the build settings are correct. This can be done either by pressing ctrl+shift+b, or by selecting Build Settings from the File menu. For me the settings should be Windows for Target Platform and Intel 64-bit for Architecture.
Other settings that should be inspected can be found when selecting the Player Setting option from the bottom left corner. The most important one would be under the Resolution and Presentation section, and there in the Resolution part the setting Fullscreen Mode.
If you haven’t done any form of option for quitting the game, then you should select the Windowed option. This way the player doesn’t have to find another way of closing the game, than just by clicking the usual close button on the upper right corner of the game window. While you are changing the resolution settings, you can also change the company name, and the game’s name and version if you like.
After you are satisfied with your settings either click Build or Build And Run. First it will ask you where you want to save the build, usually it is advisable to save the builds to a different location than in your project folder. Then if everything is as it should be, Unity will build your game and run it if you choose that option.
Now that the settings are what you want them to be, you can later on just use the Build option (ctrl+b) when testing out your game. Unless you want to change the build settings, for example to build the game for another platform.